Thursday, June 4, 2009

How to Repair a Windows XP Installation

Repairing an installation of Windows XP can fix severl seriouse errors. You typically won't lose any files when you do a repair but you can lose settings and you will have to reinstally any updates that are available. To repair Windows XP you need to do the following steps:

  1. Insert your Windows XP CD into your computer and reboot. If prompted to, press a key in order to boot into the CD.

  2. Press Enter when the Setup Welcome Screen Appears

  3. When the Windows License page appears, press F8 to agree.

  4. If setup finds a previous installation of Windows XP, it will prompt you to repair the installtion by pressing 'R".

  5. Press "R" to start the repair process and setup will reinstall the important Windows components.

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